Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Retro-Blog 2007

I wrote this four years ago:

Now is the time to love you beyond the lined spaces and into the margins. I do this for days that marginalize us. Today I will pour out my love until your cup runneth over. Later you will need this to quench your thirst. Hold on to these leftovers; I will not have you begging for scraps. I love you richly today to prepare us for a lean and mean tomorrow. My love causes walls to tumble, boundaries to crumble. It throws everything off balance, off kilter, out of orbit, and out of whack.

I don't know if I still believe in any of this. I'm not even sure to whom, if anyone, I was writing. Just more questions I get to live...

Retro-Blog: Chile 2009: The Bulleted List

·         Jumbo – The Chilean Target
·         Casuelo de invierno – chicken soup with rice, corn, potato, cilantro, carrots
·         Once  -- Chilean dinner – usually a light meal (bread, meat, cheese ,fruit, tea)
·         Lemon soda
·         Juliana and Michel, the Colombian couple who took us in
·         Sofia, their adorable 1 ½ year old daughter
·         Different meanings of the word taco: traffic jam, food (obviously), heel of a shoe, notepad/Post-Its
·         “When I think of Texas, I think of religion and guns.”
·         Riding the acensor in Valparaiso and feeling like a character in The Motorcycle Diaries
·         Ocean Pacific, a submarine-themed restaurant
·         VIkingos, a Viking-themed restaurant where they light your soup on fire

Monday, November 28, 2011

2012 Goals

I figured for this upcoming year I'd focus on setting tangible goals, rather than abstract or vaguely formed "resolutions" that I may or may not keep. Here are a few that I've come up with so far (and yes, I'm open to suggestions):

1. Try to look my age: Specifically, try to dress less like a teenager and more like an adult. Maybe rock heels a little more often. (Might as well take advantage of the fact that I'm short.) Also, make more of an effort when it comes to wearing eye makeup.

2. Run at least one 5K in 2012. Even if it's just the Turkey Trot. Currently, I can do a little over 2 miles on a treadmill, so this seems like a realistic goal. I'm also determined to do at least a few yoga poses and crunches on a daily or near-daily basis.

3. At least once a month, participate in some sort of community outreach.

4. At least once a month, go on a date or do a MeetUp. (This would be an attempt to broaden my horizons, since I can be cautious to a fault.)


6. Gain 12 more pounds over the course of the next year so I can give blood. Do so in a HEALTHY manner.