Sunday, January 15, 2012

Running Reasons: A Partial List from a Beginning "Runner"

1. Stress reduction
2. Better sleep
3. Improved overall mood
4. Cardiovascular health
5. Increased awareness of what I eat and how I otherwise treat my body
6. Realistic, concrete goal-setting
7. Competition against self ("personal best") as opposed to others
8. Can be done while listening to music
9. No gym membership or special equipment required (other than shoes)
10. More time spent outdoors
11. Potential for new friendships
12. Self-confidence boost
13. Possible redemption from unathletic youth and dropping out of cross country

No! Drama!

A lot of people say they're "not into drama". You see this a lot on dating sites and what have you. It sounds nice, doesn't it? No worries....freedom from the messiness that is human conflict and emotion.

But is it realistic?

The more I think about it, the more I think, not so much.

Maybe "drama" is like the common cold. No one likes laying around, sneezing and coughing and watching daytime TV while in a Sudafed fog. And there are certainly things we can do to avoid the frequency and intensity with which we get sick. (Everyone else washes their hands after using the loo, right?) But sooner or later, everyone gets a cold, if only once in a snotty green moon.

I can't help but think that drama is like that. You can do things to avoid getting involved in frequent (and unnecessary) drama. You can steer clear of self-proclaimed drama queens (and kings), practice active listening and positive thinking, not sweat the small stuff, etc.

But sooner or later, even if you strategically avoid drama, it's gonna find you.

Sooo....I think the focus needs to be, not "no drama", but how you deal with drama. Do you fuel the emotional fire? Throw a spaz on social media? Or do you step back, refocus, reframe, and determine how to deal with the situation from there?

The same can be said, I think, for "baggage". We all have baggage. We all have issues. The question is, what are you doing to deal with, live with, or rid yourself of what holds you back or weighs you down?

P.S. -- This is as much a note to self, if not more so, as it is to anyone else reading this.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Goals Update and Unicorns

Okay, just kidding about the unicorns. I just wanted my title to look less boring.

Goal: Try to look my age: Specifically, try to dress less like a teenager and more like an adult.
Progress: Doing somewhat well, thanks to the Christmas gift of heeled boots.

Goal: Run at least one 5K in 2012.
Progress: I'm currently on Week 3 of the Couch to 5K program. So far, I'm really enjoying it. It's gradual yet challenging. Yesterday I walked/ran 4K in about half an hour. Also, I've talked at least one other person into running the Firefly 5K with me at the end of March. If I stick with my current regimen, I should be able to run the whole thing in a respectable amount of time. On the days I don't run, I try to work on some simple strength training (side plank, crunches, push-ups, yoga). I have to keep it simple since I lack strength, and I won't end up sticking with anything that's too complicated.

Goal: At least once a month, participate in some sort of community outreach.
Progress: Not yet met for January. : /

Goal: At least once a month, go on a date or do a MeetUp.
Progress: I attended a fantastic MeetUp last night (DFW Words and Wine). We discussed The Night Circus, which is really an amazing book if you're into fantasy or magical realism.

Goal: GET A JOB.
Progress: Still searching and shooting out ye olde resume...

Goal: Gain 12 more pounds over the course of the next year so I can give blood.
Progress: Will discuss with my doctor once I get health insurance again. In the meantime, will focus on maintaining 100 lbs. (Please don't tell me you wish you had my problem, or that if you were me you'd eat cheeseburgers all day, etc.) Will also focus on eating more healthy food and less crap, and drinking more water.